Wish you were strong enough to handle anything thrown at you? Frustrated by progress-halting minor injuries? Want to torch some extra body fat? Read this...
Build The Resilience to Handle Anything
Comrade, has it ever crossed your mind why the most useful people are not always the strongest? Or perhaps why the strongest people are not always the most useful?

Strength is an easy quantity to develop. It's even easier to measure. More weight on the bar means more strength. The 500 pound deadlifter is stronger than the 400 pound deadlifter. This we won’t debate because we don’t argue semantics.
But there is another element, an element that is harder to quantify and understand. The essential element is resilience.
Well what do I mean by resilience?
- What if you can deadlift double your bodyweight but you can’t shovel snow off your driveway or rake some leaves off your yard because you run out of steam or your back aches.
- What if you have a great bench press but you can’t help a friend move in because you can’t handle the varied movements of twisting, pushing, and pulling.
- What if just a few hours of work or activity on a Saturday leave you worn out and exhausted, unable to do anything on Sunday?
- What if you could consume more calories and put them to use growing muscle instead of depositing as fat? Handling this type of insult is a form of resilience that isn’t often considered.
- Are you left feeling energized and leveled-up from your training? If not, you are lacking resilience and the ability to bounce back stronger from stimulus.
This is the lack of resilience I want to banish forever.
And I have to tell you my friend, the barbell is not the tool to develop this kind of resilience. Look, I’m a pretty strong guy. I hold a world record deadlift and I have deadlifted over triple my bodyweight in four different variations. I know intimately that the barbell is the best tool on the planet for building that kind of strength.
But it is no good for cultivating resilience.

The kettlebell, however, used properly, is one of the best tools ever invented for doing so. In fact when I was competing, successfully I might add, in strongman I was doing no specific strongman training, other than grip work, at all. Lightweight competitive strongman in many ways epitomizes the kind of resilience, work capacity, and usefulness that I believe is virtually ideal for a good human.
What did I do during that time?
Besides maximal strength work with a barbell – I trained regularly with kettlebells in exactly the way I’m about to teach you.
Kettlebells, with their thick, offset handle center of gravity are uniquely suited to repetitive ballistic movements. These same repetitive ballistic movements are fantastic for building exactly the resilience and strength qualities that maximal strength development leaves neglected.
And there’s one more thing. Now this isn’t strictly scientific, but of course sometimes the studies lag what we know from experience. What I’ve seen both in myself and with clients is that training with kettlebells has shored up some of the weaknesses and injury risks that tend to crop up when someone is training strictly for maximal strength. The result is that you have less downtime from random injuries, and more time training or doing what you love to do.
This is what I see in my most resilient clients:
- They gain muscle easily by increasing their training volume and caloric intake.
- They lose fat easily by simply decreasing their caloric intake.
- No obstacle or challenge daunts them because they know whatever resistance they meet will only make them stronger.
- Their strength is accessible and useful because their movement isn’t limited to lifts in the gym.
- Form follows function, the most useful people look the part – they have the physique to match their utility.
Of course, if you don’t care about resilience, you’re never faced with expected or unexpected obstacles or sources of stress, you don't mind getting injured, and you just want to be able to put up the biggest absolute strength numbers you can then by all means forget the kettlebell and get yourself a barbell. Of course, those small injuries may hold you back more than you think, but that’s your choise.
But if you want to build incredible resilience and legendary work capacity then training with kettlebells, in the proper way, is your ticket.

This is why I’m announcing the very first English language translation of the Dellanavich Kettlebell Regime.
This program was passed down to me by my cousin Dellanavich and has built strong people for centuries. Unless you spoke Dellanavian and were able to grasp the secrets of this training protocol from the oral tradition it was impossible to access this information until now. But I have translated this directly from Dellanavich, and now I’m making it available to you.
This program will ensure that you:
- Know the 8 most important kettlebell movements.
- Learn how to structure your sessions so you get the best results, with the least amount of time, and recover fully.
- Understand how to “wave” your training sessions to make progress indefinitely.
- Become resilient.
No long books to read.
No lengthy and complicated workouts.
No dishonorable exercises.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee.

Seriously. If you don’t love the program and it doesn’t double the amount of work you can do in the first cycle it’s on me. Keep the program, I’ll refund your payment. That's how confident I am in how productive this program is going to be for you. You have nothing to lose.